A healing soup recipe (by Dr Tateishi Kazu) which has helped tens of thousands with improved health, due to it’s very strong vitamin and mineral content when using organic vegetables. A health practitioner gave it to a very special friend of mine years ago, and I know she wouldREAD MORE
http://www.womenlivingnaturally.com *remember to consult your health professional should you have ongoing concerns and here are some tips on lifestyle choices which improve progesterone should you already be affected, otherwise prevention is better than waiting to see if you’ll suffer from menopausal symptoms: 16 Ways to Naturally Increase Low ProgesteroneREAD MORE
It’s becoming common and probably caused by low iodine as levels have dropped in our food and water sources, so you may need to increase iodine intake to improve thyroid balance, read the below and consult your Doctor: https://www.thyroidfoundation.org.au/page/13/iodine-nutrition-iodine-deficiency and click on the below link: Do You Have LowREAD MORE
This is worth listening too: and: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/03/25/doctors-warn-avoid-genetically-modified-food.aspx and: GMOs and Pesticides: Helpful or Harmful? and keep abreast of the situation in Australia and around the globe, what about having your voice heard: http://www.madge.org.au/