ChiBall® is practiced whilst holding a colourful and aromatic air-filled ChiBall®.

The ChiBall® exercises are based on the following movement disciplines:

  • Tai Chi and Qi Gong cleanses, rejuvenates and refreshes the internal body by regulating the breath and meridian system.
  • ChiBall® Dance invigorates the metabolism, and generates the mobility and flexibility using energetic, gentle, slow, continuous movement patterns for detoxification and to increase oxygen supply to the muscles, the brain and other internal systems.
  • Yoga increases strength, flexibility, concentration, balance and self-awareness.
  • Pilates develops core strength, supports the spine, stabilises the pelvis and increases the mobility of the joints.
  • ChiBall Release (based on Feldenkrais Method) helps us to rediscover the effortless movement patterns of childhood, and cultivate the art of listening, letting go and learning from ourselves about ourselves.
  • Deep Relaxation and Meditation induces calmness of mind and body through deep breathing, visualisation and meditation.

ChiBall® practice builds strength, tones and helps to detox your body which promotes weight loss and improves posture, strength and flexibility. It releases tension and stiffness throughout your muscles and joints, boosts your immune system, improves breathing, lung capacity and circulation. ChiBall® enhances concentration, balance and co-ordination.

Regular ChiBall® practice has also been known to reduce symptoms of diseases and chronic illness.

Click on BOOK A CLASS for timetable and different locations.

ChiBall® : Take a look at sample movements