Magnesium applied topically is much more effective than tablets.

The above is an interesting link by Dr Carolyn Dean – magnesium  is a vital natural mineral and many of us are depleted nowadays thanks to modern lifestyles – applying Magnesium Chloride transdermally every day can improve or prevent many health conditions as well as enhance sport performance! I’ve used this product for 5 yrs as a general body rub, and I recently suggested clients spray it on their aches and pains.  After seeing this product work like magic on them I decided to stock this amazing Australian oil from Amazing Oils. With regards to my earlier post on DHEA (the mother of all hormones), it looks as though it is difficult to improve DHEA levels if ones magnesium levels are low, and perhaps low magnesium is a reason why DHEA drops in the first place (any stress on the body will dip into our magnesium levels whether the stress is from exercise to sickness to hard work). Why not give your body its best chance at working at optimum level – Let me know if you need a bottle!